
What are the features of a school management system?

School Management System Software

The features of the School Management System (SMS) defines the scope and usability of the software.

In general, the basic SMS school software covers the fee collection, student communication and the sharing the information. But, as digital transformation evolve, the SMS require more features that eliminate the redundant manual work and improve the productivity of the staff and share the information with parents at the earliest.

The information at your finger-tips at anytime is a vital factor in the modern mobile era. The mobile application for parents and the staff bridges the communication gap and share the information instantly.

The academic analysis of the student or section shows their performance and analyze their current performance with past performance.

The lesson plan, automatic time table generation, staff substitution, auditing, event management, certificate generation, online admission, numerous customizable reports, asset management are some of the integral features of the SMS software.

CHENNAI CAMPUS offers numerous features to digitalize the school in every aspect. The Android and iOS school management mobile app brings the school data securely to your finger tips. We are happy to present the features and benefits of the school management software at your convenience. Call us at 044-2243-2207, Mobile 995-291-5492, 814-882-3069. Email us at

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