
Low Cost School Management Software in Chennai

Chennai Campus is the low cost school management software in Chennai, India. The software is a cloud-based school management software built to maintain school operations secure, fast and reliable. Chennai Campus offers 45+ modules including student management, staff management, class room management, communications and non-academic operations as well.

Chennai Campus manages your administrative tasks in effective manner and reduces the manual work to achieve operational efficiency. The software manages the new admissions, alumni, managing existing students, accounts, billing and day-to-day operations effortlessly without any lag. The information is shared seamlessly with all stakeholders from office administrators to teachers to management instantly.

Chennai Campus offers mobile solutions for all stakeholders which have become increasingly important for schools to share communications, engage parents with their ward’s academic progress, instant access to school information and keeps track of their attendance and school announcements. Also, the mobile apps can be highly beneficial for the teachers to manage daily attendance, access to student information, communicate with parents, share the academic progress with parents.

The management benefit from the mobile application to provide convenient and efficient platform to streamline the day-to-day operations and the administrative tasks. The other benefits include, keeping track of academic progress in every class section, fee collection, timetable scheduling and managing student and staff records in a single location which can be accessed securely at any time.

While looking for low cost school management software, its important to consider your specific requirements and your budget. The other important criteria for selecting the software is to ensure the software is developed in latest technology and compatible with mobile access. The data security, availability and portability of the data should also be considered for the software selection. Also, the open source software may be easy choice, but maintaining the software in the longer run may become cumbersome without proper support when needed.

The school software selection is important to carefully evaluate the features, scalability, support and customization options for the software and how it fits your specific requirement is the key for selecting the software. Also, the support options, integration capabilities and data security needs to be considered as well.

We at Chennai Campus offers an affordable school management software solution with 45+ features and offer multiple pricing plans based on the number of students and the modules. The software can be customized to your requirement with little or no effort and can be scalable to meet your future demands as well. The mobile solution also increases the productivity and shares the data securely and instantly any where at any time.

Chennai Campus can be implemented quickly in no time. We will be happy to share the software features and our experience at your convenient time. Call us at 044-2243-2207, Mobile 995-291-5492, 814-882-3069. Email us at