

Audits help us to gauge how well the School Operations progresses through the year. Every school has frequent Academic and Non Academic audits to record this.

Academic Audits include Auditing parameters like portion completion within the speculated time and how Concepts are delivered by using Teaching Aids. This is done manually every term by an appointed Educational Officer through class observations and exhaustive comments are to be written.

Non Academic Audits checks the proper utilisation of resources and functioning in all areas like Labs, Computer Labs, Library, School Transport etc. This will be managed by Chief Operation Head who will delegates Audits to different staff to check these manually.

CHENNAI CAMPUS makes all the above Auditing process less manual and efficient and reduces paperwork.

Let’s see how this happens. Suppose the Chief Operation Head or Educational Officer needs to conduct an Audit on several Labs/Classrooms   in the school. He/she delegates the work to particular staff that will be intimated by the software. The staff can conduct the Audits and record it in the system then and there using the Software in their Laptops. This saves time, reduces errors and paper work. Hence it is very simplified and efficient.

CHENNAI CAMPUS provides the various Customized Auditing formats for each school.

We are happy to present the features and benefits of the software at your convenience. Call us at 044-2243-2207, Mobile 995-291-5492, 814-882-3069. Email us at