
What is an ERP Software?


The abbreviation for ERP is Enterprice Resource Planning. The ERP softwate includes multiple function into a one stop solution to manage all activities in the organization. The ERP streamlines the existing processes and shares the information across organization instantly.

The technology has been widely in-use in various industries (such as healthcare, manufacturing, Retail, marketing) and had more success in utilizing existing resources efficiently in a cost effective method. The ERP aim to instill similar success in managing the schools and service the academic, non-academic, management stakeholders and provide the essential information in a timely manner.

School Management Software focusses only on academic activites. In addition to the school management activities, the ERP focuses on non-academic operations and provide complete control to the management to manage the day-to-day operations and provide essential information at finger-tips at any time. The performance analysis, forecast and continous improvement monitoring meliorates school performance and provide the technological edge to be the leader in the region for the years to come.

Chennai Campus School Management ERP Software

CHENNAI CAMPUS offers 45+ modules to focus on all school operations from new admissions, auditing, analysis, budget planning and management operations. The software has extensive reports and offer indepth graphical analysis.

CHENNAI CAMPUS aims is to simplify academic and non-academic operations. The software is easy to implement, customizable to your unique requirement in no time and will be update running in a jiffy.

We are happy to present the features and benefits of the software at your convenience. Call us at 044-2243-2207, Mobile 995-291-5492, 814-882-3069. Email us at